Mr. Bryan Greene
U.S. House of Representatives
North Carolina District 10 |
1. When and how did you become Christian?
Bryan Greene: "At the age of 9,
in May of 1970, at Mulvale Baptist Church. I realized I was lost; a sinner in
need of a Savior. At the invitation, I came forward and Pastor McManus led me to
the Lord where I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and was Born Again. I was
baptized in June of that same year."
2. How did becoming Christian change you?
Bryan Greene: "Through allowing
Jesus to be the Lord of my life and by giving him all control."
3. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus
Bryan Greene: "I have a personal
relationship with Christ, as a sinner saved by grace, seeking to grow closer to
Him day by day. I believe that this relationship with Christ must be
transparent, so that I may be a witness for Him in all areas of my life."
4. In the past 12 months, how many minutes have you
spent in prayer with Jesus daily?
Bryan Greene: "I believe that our
daily lives should be a life of prayer, because the Bible teaches to pray
without ceasing. Yet, my devotional prayer life usually is about 30-45 minutes
5. In the past 12 months, how many minutes of
Bible-reading have you averaged daily?
Bryan Greene: "I average around
30 minutes of Bible-reading daily."
6. In the past 12 months, what percentage of your income
have you returned to God?
Bryan Greene: "Approximately 14%
to 15%."
7. In the past 12 months, how many non-Christians have
you told why Jesus died?
Bryan Greene: "45-50."
8. In the past 12 months, how many church services have
you attended?
Bryan Greene: "Approximately 162.
I attend my local church every time the doors are open. I also attend and
encourage our weekly visitation program and John and Romans scripture ministries
(approx. 100 per year). I typically attend a combined total of around 262
services/ ministries a year."
9. Which church do you attend and what is its website
Bryan Greene: "I attend
Temple Baptist
in Lenoir, NC."
10. What has been your greatest failure as a Christian?
Bryan Greene: "I feel that my
greatest failure as a Christian is not reaching the souls of lost men, women,
boys and girls as I contemplate the thousands/millions that die and go into an
eternity without Christ."
11. What is the greatest challenge you face today as a
Bryan Greene: "My greatest
challenges is reaching the souls of lost men, women, boys and girls for the
cause of Christ."
12. Which gift(s) has the Holy Spirit given to you, and
what fruits has it borne?
Bryan Greene: "Teaching and
singing about the love and mercies of God, the fruits of these gifts are to be
decided, and left to the Lord."
13. Do you believe Jesus is God or the Son of God?
Bryan Greene: "I John 5:7 "For
there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost; and these three are one." In Revelations 1:7-11 Jesus proclaimed himself
as the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, and in Philippians 2:5-11
proclaims Himself equal to God; paralleling that to the Old Testament through
Isaiah 44:6 and 45:5-6 proves that God and Jesus are one. From Genesis 1:1 to
Revelations 22:21 I believe that the Bible plainly teaches that God, Jesus and
the Holy Ghost are co-equal and co-eternal, and that they are one yet reveal
themselves in three separate identities. Therefore, it is by faith that I
believe that this is what the Bible teaches."
14. Do you believe Jesus was born to a virgin, died and
rose from the dead?
Bryan Greene: "YES, and He is
coming again."
15. Do you believe Jesus ascended to God the Father and
will return riding on clouds?
Bryan Greene: "YES, and I look
forward to His return."
16. Do you believe heaven and hell are places that
really exist?
Bryan Greene: "YES."
17. By what criteria do you believe people go to heaven
or hell?
Bryan Greene: "Romans 10:9-10 is
the TNT (dynamite) of the gospel. By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He
is God, the Savior of the world who died a vicarious death upon the cross, laid
our sins upon Him, was buried and rose again three days later, defeating death,
hell, and the grave. Those who will accept this and repent (agree with God that
they are sinners in need of a Savior), and ask Jesus into their heart will be
saved. Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be
18. How many of which book(s) do you believe to be
inspired by God & without error?
Bryan Greene: "All 66 of the
books in the King James 1611 Version of the Bible for the English-speaking
people, delivered through the Textus Receptus, which were derived from the
original autographs."
19. The beliefs of which well-known Christian leader
alive today resemble your beliefs?
Bryan Greene: "Clarence Sexton of
Crown College and Temple Baptist Church in Powell, TN, along with Dr. Ron
Comfort of Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC. Also, Dr. Kent Hovind
(Dr. Dino) of Creation Science Evangelism in Pensacola, FL."
20. Which well-known Christian leader who lived in the
past 1900 years do you admire and why?
Bryan Greene: "Hudson Taylor, Adoniram Judson, David Livingston, Charles H. Spurgeon
and Dwight L. Moody. It is hard to list just one. These were all men
of great Godly character who were willing to give their all, and did,
to reach the hearts of men."
21. Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe abortion should
be permitted?
Bryan Greene: "I am 100% Pro-Life. I believe that there is NO reason or circumstance
great enough to murder/take the life of the unborn."
22. What is your position on same sex marriage?
Bryan Greene: "I believe that same-sex relationships (and marriage) destroy the
family and the building of a great nation. I strongly support a
Marriage Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman
to the State Constitutions. Yet, I cannot support a marriage
amendment to the United States Constitution because the federal
government is not given authority by the Constitution over this matter
(our federal government was meant to be small and limited while the
states are to retain most of the power)."
23. What is your position on prayers and Bible studies
in schools, and why?
Bryan Greene: "I believe voluntary prayer and Bible studies should be allowed in
schools as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, as
a freedom of expression and religion. Our nation was founded on the
principles of Christianity; our founding fathers recognized the
importance of the Christian faith because of the morality it impelled
on society, they realized that it was the only faith that allowed
other faiths to worship as they pleased without fear of recompense. I
fear the consequences of the removal of Christianity, just as did the
founders during the creation of this great nation."
24. If (re-)elected, what will you seek to do about
(Internet) pornography and the violence in the media, and how?
Bryan Greene: "As a US Representative, under the United States Constitution I would have
no authority to regulate either of these industries (even though most
seem to think I would) because the Constitution does not give the
federal government rule in such cases. I believe that our main
problem is the decay in the morals of the people and that the only way
we can solve this problem is to reach those who are in spiritual decay
with the gospel of Christ, which will change their lives forever.
Yet, as a Representative I will use my voice to plead with manufacturers
to produce technologies (or equip current products) which would allow
the parents greater control over what they and their children watch in
all media such as the V-Chip and ClearPlay systems which allow users
to choose to exclude certain content from movies or media."
25. If (re-)elected, what will you seek to do about our
health care system, and how?
Bryan Greene: "First, I do not advocate Universal Healthcare. I support privatized
healthcare. Yet, again, the federal government has no authority to
regulate the healthcare system under the Constitution. Therefore, my
only action with healthcare would be to work to privatize it.
Government need to get out of this industry. It is only being used for
profiteering. I believe we must work to put limits/caps on medical
lawsuits that drive healthcare prices up. The privatized health
industry worked for many years before government involvement and can still work."
26. If (re-)elected, what will you seek to do about
poverty and corporate greed & how?
Bryan Greene: "I disagree with government welfare. This system discourages
self-worth and is pure and simple socialism. It takes from those who
work for their living, and gives to those who will not work, and
encourages immoral lifestyles at the expense of the taxpayer. The
poor you will have with you always, Jesus said. To force others to
give to any other group, whether through a government program or a
tax, is immoral and sinful. Thomas Jefferson said "[t]o compel a man
to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." I encourage
individuals, families, churches, civic groups and other private
organizations, to fulfill their personal responsibility to help those
in need. I believe that men, when allowed to give voluntarily for a
cause (poverty and sickness), will give more charitably than when
forced to do so; this encourages responsibility and builds stronger
27. If (re-)elected, what will you seek to achieve in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and how?
Bryan Greene: "I believe we should immediately begin a withdrawal of forces from
Iraq, Afghanistan and all areas around the world. Our military should
be used only to support and protect our Country under the Constitution
of the United States. Both the War on Iraq and the War on Terror are
unconstitutional and unjustified actions taken by the President, who
has no authority to commit our military to war. The ability to
declare war is specifically given to the US Congress alone in Article
1 Section 8 Clause 11 and cannot rightfully be delegated to any other
power. James Madison, author of the US Constitution, said that "[t]he
executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether
there is or is not cause for declaring war," and the US Congress never
declared war in Iraq or on Terror. War should only be justified when
attacked or an attack is imminent, and then only by a formal
declaration of war from the US Congress. In the case of the War on
Iraq, we were never attacked by them, nor were any imminent threats
presented. In the case of Afghanistan, we should do as Congress
allowed, and search out and bring to justice those who were involved
in the attacks of September 11, not declare war on all terrorist
organization around the globe."
28. If (re-)elected, what will you seek to achieve in
Iran and North Korea, and how?
Bryan Greene: "I believe that we have no right to mandate that a country end its
nuclear programs (or any weapons programs for that matter) whether it
is to be used for a nuclear power plant or to produce weapons, it is
that nation's right to produce nuclear technologies and to defend
themselves (this goes hand in hand with our 2nd Amendment). We have
no right to demand they disarm. I will seek diplomacy with each
nation, and free trade. Vietnam is a great example of diplomacy and
trade, for we have accomplished much more through these means than
through war."
29. What other issue is a key priority for your
constituents and how will you resolve it?
Bryan Greene: "The REAL ID Act, which established a national ID card, by mandating
federal standards on state identification cards while risking the
privacy and security of the people, is an issue that now faces my
constituency. This gives the federal government nearly unlimited
control over identification of the people and usurps states rights as
guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, while being one more step closer to
the establishment of a coming North American Union along with the
NAFTA Superhighway. I am the only candidate in my district opposed to
the REAL ID Act and I will work to see its repeal."
30. What qualifies you as the best person to represent
your constituents?
Bryan Greene: "I seem to be the only candidate who is truly concerned
about my constituency's Constitutional rights and the freedoms that we are
losing to big government.
"Before God, I affirm my answers above to be entirely true and without exaggeration."
Bryan E. Greene
Candidate for US Congress
North Carolina's 10th District
For more information about Bryan Greene, please visit