Paul Broun's Christian Testimony

Paul Broun Christian Testimony Congressman Paul Broun
U.S. House of Representatives
Georgia District 10

1.  When and how did you become a Christian?

Paul Broun: "I accepted my Lord Jesus as my own personal Lord and Savior in my mid-forties. It was on a Saturday morning in my medical office through a Gideon Bible. My life has been totally changed since that day. I gave my testimony on the floor of the U.S. House when I was a member. This is a link to that speech:"

2.  How did becoming a Christian change you?

Paul Broun: "Jesus changed my focus from living for myself in a prideful selfish manner to one where my deepest heartfelt desire is to be obedient to my Lord Jesus and to be totally led by The Holy Spirit who lives within me. Here is a link to my introduction video that explains how Jesus directs my life:"

3.  How would you describe your relationship with Jesus today?

Paul Broun: "My answer to question 2 and the video totally answers this question."

4.  Which church in which city do you attend most often?

Paul Broun: "Most often my wife and I attend Grove Level Baptist Church in Maysville, Georgia."

5.  In the past 12 months, how many church services have you attended?

Paul Broun: "I really don’t know, 50 or more."

6.  In the past 12 months, how much time have you spent in prayer to God daily?

Paul Broun: "I pray throughout the day every day. I begin when I arise in the morning and end when I lie down to sleep at night. I ask The Lord’s direction all day long frequently."

7.  In the past 12 months, how much Bible reading have you averaged daily?

Paul Broun: "I just finished reading through the entire Bible for the second time. I try to read the Proverb for the day, 5 Psalms for the day, then chapters of both the Old Testament and New Testament. Some days I don’t accomplish this but I try."

8.  Do you believe Jesus always has been both God and the Son of God?

Paul Broun: "Absolutely!"

9.  Why did Jesus die on the cross?

Paul Broun: "Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay for my sins as well as for the sins of anyone who accepts Him as their personal Lord and Savior. This was necessary in order for us as depraved sinful individuals to be reconciled back in a relationship with our Holy Righteous Just Creator."

10.  Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?

Paul Broun: "Absolutely! I have met Him personally the day I accepted Him as my Lord. He changed my life that I didn’t think needed to be changed. I see His work in my life as I seek to be obedient to Him every day."

11.  Do you believe Jesus ascended to heaven and will return someday?

Paul Broun: "Absolutely! That’s a promise from God Himself."

12.  By what criterion do you believe people go to heaven?

Paul Broun: "Someone must have accepted Jesus personally as their own Lord and Savior so that they have a personal relationship with Him in order to go to heaven. Jesus is the only way."

13.  In the past year, how many non-Christians have you told why Jesus died?

Paul Broun: "Way too many for me to even know. I try to acknowledge Him in all my ways (Proverbs 3:5-6)."

14.  Which gift(s) has the Holy Spirit given you, and what fruit(s) has it borne?

Paul Broun: "My major spiritual gift is serving. That’s why I became a physician as well as why I served and will serve my Lord, my constituents, and nation as a US Congressman when re-elected back to Congress. My political “calling” comes from a question that The Lord asks in Psalm 11:3."

15.  What do you pray to God for/about our nation?

Paul Broun: "I ask Him to forgive us for the sin of abortion as a nation as well as how we as a people have left our First Love and the principles that made America the greatest nation in history. Those principles are based on God’s instructions that He gave us in His inerrant word.  I believe that the Bible is the inerrant revealed word of God, penned by man and written by The Holy Spirit. I pray that He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14)."

16.  How do you define "marriage"?

Paul Broun: "Marriage is a sacred union before God of one man to one woman. I introduced this definition to be the official one for our federal government when I was a member of Congress as an Amendment to the Constitution."

17.  Under what circumstances do you believe abortion should be allowed?

Paul Broun: "Abortion is the killing of an innocent unborn child who is created in the image of God. Physicians should try to save the lives of both the mother and the child. Rarely this is not possible."

18.  What remedies do you advocate against illegal immigration?

Paul Broun: "We MUST secure the border immediately and start enforcing the federal laws that are already on the books. It is already illegal to hire, to rent to, or to harbor an illegal alien. It is also illegal to give illegal aliens federal benefits. We must remove the “magnet” that brings illegals here. Until this happens, nothing else matters."

19.  Where can the rest of your policy positions be read?

Paul Broun: " and @paulbrounforga."

20.  What would you like to say to the Christian voters in Georgia's 10th Congressional District?

Paul Broun: "Since I get my seniority back, God has uniquely qualified me and positioned me to regain my chairmanship of the Science Investigations Committee. I will hold in-depth hearings entitled "Americans Deserve to Know the Truth About COVID”. We should never allow the last two years to ever be repeated. The hearings will be based on true science and eliminate the fake science and political agenda that have driven federal policy to date.

"Before God, I affirm my answers above to be entirely true and without exaggeration."

Paul C. Broun, M.D.