Latest Christian Testimonies

Latest Christian Testimonies

Paul Broun Congressman Paul Broun
U.S. House of Representatives
Georgia District 10
Senator Joyce Krawiec Senator Joyce Krawiec
North Carolina Senate
Senate District 31
Jim Olsen Representative Jim Olsen
Oklahoma House of Rep.
Oklahoma House District 2
Marziyeh Amirizadeh Ms. Marziyeh Amirizadeh
Georgia House of Rep.
Georgia House District 67
Terry Baxter Representative Terry Baxter
Iowa House of Representatives
Iowa House District 8
Congressman Duncan Hunter Congressman Duncan Hunter
U.S. House of Representatives
California District 52
Fred Costello Christian Testimony Representative Fred Costello
U.S. House of Representatives
Florida District 6
Ralph Rebandt Pastor Ralph Rebandt
Gubernatorial Candidate
Ms. Barbara Arthur Ms. Barbara Arthur
U.S. House of Representatives
South Carolina District 7
Pastor Heath Loftis Pastor Heath Loftis
U.S. Senate
Stacy George Pastor Dean Odle
Gubernatorial Candidate
Stacy George Commissioner Stacy George
Gubernatorial Candidate
Alex Bryant Pastor Alex Bryant
U.S. House of Representatives
Missouri District 7
Dale Glading Congress Pastor Dale Glading
U.S. House of Representatives
New Jersey District 1
Rey Gonzalez Dr. Rey Gonzalez
U.S. House of Representatives
Texas District 34
Rick Sikma Senate Pastor Rick Sikma
U.S. Senate
Dave Cummings Mr. Dave Cummings
U.S. House of Representatives
Florida District 18
Keith Richardson Pastor Keith Richardson
U.S. House of Representatives
Pennsylvania District 5
Brian Greene Mr. Bryan Greene
U.S. House of Representatives
North Carolina District 10
Tim Herode Pastor Tim Herode
Gubernatorial Candidate